You made it here. That’s a really great start. You may be feeling ready to make a change, shake things up, or continue the positive path of growth that you’re on. Today we all face serious challenges. Men are faced with tough questions about what it means, and what it takes, to maintain the strength and power of healthy masculinity without the destructive dominance that we see facing us on the news and in our communities. We need strong men to solve the problems that we are confronting, and yet we also need men that are able and willing to access all aspects of the human spectrum of emotions and actions. We need men who are tough and kind, fierce and nurturing, powerful and compassionate. The ManKind Project helps real, powerful, good men join together and create the structures, institutions and communities that will foster peace, safety and accountability in our societies.

The ManKind Project helps men make the difficult transition into a new sense of purpose and healthy mature manhood. You might be ready to take a risk and see what life’s like on the other side of the door you’ve come to.

If you’re ready to make a bold choice, that door can be thrown wide open. The ManKind Project presents a training for men called the New Warrior Training Adventure. At the NWTA you’ll be challenged and supported to learn more about yourself in 48 hours than you’ve probably learned in the last 20 years.

Find out about our next New Warrior Training Adventure. click here

  • You’ll experience a level of energy, a quality of masculinity, a deep sense of safety, joy and laughter, anger and fear, physical challenge, and a connection to life’s mystery that we can’t explain to you, no matter how hard we try.
  • You’ll have the opportunity to look with fearless honesty at the life you’ve created, and make profound choices about what you want to keep, what you want to expand, and what you want to let go of.
  • You’ll discover your unique connection to manhood, explore a new way of understanding masculinity, and step fully into the man you envision yourself to be.